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Spring is almost here!

With spring fast approaching I thought I would make my first blog on sharing a checklist of some areas to focus on for your home this spring. These smalls things can prevent your home from having larger problems later on which can cost you a lot of time and money. Most of things are small ans simple for anyone to tackle.

Check All Gutters

Check for loose or leaking gutters. Improper drainage can lead to water in the basement or crawl space. Make sure downspouts drain away from the foundation and are clear and free of debris.

Relocate Firewood

Remove firewood stored near your home. Firewood should be stored a minimum 18 inches off the ground at least 2 feet from the structure.

Check Outside Faucets

Check outside hose faucets for freeze damage. Turn the water on and place your thumb or finger over the opening. If you can stop the flow of water, it is likely the pipe inside the home is damaged and will need to be replaced. While you're at it, check the garden hose for dry rot.

Service your AC Unit

Have a qualified heating and cooling contractor clean and service the outside unit of the air conditioning system. Clean coils operate more efficiently, and an annual service call will keep the system working at peak performance levels. Change interior filters on a regular basis.

Check Power Equipment

Check your gas and battery-powered lawn equipment to make sure it is ready for summer use. Clean equipment and sharp cutting blades will make yardwork easier.

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